International Journal of Effective Management (IJEM), published by , USA and sponsored by Synetic Business School (SBS) Ludhiana, INDIA is a refereed bi-annual journal with an international editorial board and expected international audience. The members on the board are associated with institutions in various countries.The aim of IJEM is to promote the original contributions on a wide range of topics elevant to effective management. It is an interdisciplinary journal directed towards academicians, policy makers, government, non-government organizations, and business practitioners of global firms. Conceptual and empirical studies with particular themes are welcomed. Only original articles must be submitted to this journal. Please include in the submission letter a statement indicating that the paper is the author(s)'s original work, that neither this paper nor a version of it has been published elsewhere nor is being considered for publication elsewhere. The International Journal of Effective Management (IJEM), the editors, editorial and advisory board members, and the MTMI are not responsible for the views expressed by authors in the International Journal of Effective Management (IJEM). Once the paper is accepted, the author will receive an electronic copy on CD of their published work. Print copy may be available. Manuscript might address any topic related to business management or related discipline. Submission might address, but are not limited to the following areas: |